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简介读书读到博士到底有什么用?要解答这个问题,首先我们来看看到底什么是博士。Imagine a circle that contai...



Imagine a circle that contains all of human knowledge:首先,想象这个圆代表人类所有的知识

 By the time you finish elementary school, you know a little:小学毕业的时候,你知道了很有限的一点知识,就是那个蓝点

 By the time you finish high school, you know a bit more:到了中学毕业,你又多知道了一点

 With a bachelor s degree, you gain a specialty:拿到学士学位的你,有了专业的偏向

 A master s degree deepens that specialty:硕士学位让你更加专业

 Reading research papers takes you to the edge of human knowledge:阅读研究论文让你明白人类知识的边界所在

 Once you re at the boundary, you focus:一旦你身处这一界限,你会有自己的专注点

 You push at the boundary for a few years:你需要在这个边界努力数年

 Until one day, the boundary gives way:直到有那么一天,你在边界取得了一点突破

 And, that dent you ve made is called a Ph.D.:这个突破点又被称为博士

 Of course, the world looks different to you now:当然,此时你眼中的世界已然与众不同

So, don t forget the bigger picture:所以不要忘记这个世界的本来面目

